A Flower Reading

“It is the Light that opens the heart of the flower to the world”


We also can experience, just like a flower, that the Light opens our hearts. Our need is undeniable great and we are always searching for this, consciously or unconsciously. Sometimes it is not possible to experience, because of the obstacles we meet on our path. We can feel disconnected and it seems like everything is stagnating, but the Divine Light remains always present and seeks connection. The power of this is enormous and each of us carries a spiritual power within. Opening yourself to this, allows you to experience an unprecedented energy of joy in yourself. Allow yourself the possibility to experience a healing within yourself.

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A Flower Reading with Archangel Jophiel is about positivity, manifesting beauty in art, wisdom, improving the atmosphere in the environment, joy and happiness.

During a Flower Reading, the energy around the flower is read from the connection with Archangel Jophiel. The personal message that the flower carries within it will be brought forward during the Reading. A “Flower Reading with Archangel Jophiel” will be attuned to; The Healing Energy of Archangel Jophiel and the Flower.

Flowers have a great influence and also a healing effect on the psyché and are often given to express feelings such as joy, affection, gratitude, compassion in grief and to support by difficulties, etc.

For this you can bring a self-selected flower, which you should preferably put in the water the day before. Afterwards you will receive a personal description.

22. Newsletter- March 8the 2021


“Flowers, with their beautiful appearances, are messengers of the Divine Light.”

“The Pomegranate from the Flower Oracle of Mlle Lenormand.”

 Image:oilpainting on Canvas

The dancers incite passion, but maintain their self-control. They forget time and space. The pomegranate represents an artistic personality, new relationships, fertility and entering a relaxed and pleasant period in life.


A “Flower Reading with Archangel Jophiel” will be attuned to; The Healing Energy of Archangel Jophiel and the Flower.

During a Flower Reading, the energy around the flower is read from the connection with Archangel Jophiel. The personal message that the flower carries within it will be brought forward during the Reading. 

For this you can bring a self-selected flower, which you should preferably put in the water the day before. Afterwards you will receive a personal description.