1. An Archangel Michael Reading



Protection, Courage, Strength and Freedom

(Acryl op doek 90/70)

The fluttering banner of Light is carried with courage, willpower and confidence,
while the shield reflects the winged torch,
to liberate the Self by Divine Light.
The fluttering banner of Light is carried with courage, willpower and confidence,
standing idiosyncratically in a suit of fragrant roses, woven by angels before birth,
while the shield reflects the winged torch.
to liberate the Self by Divine Light.
The fluttering banner of Light is carried with courage, willpower and confidence.
Aelis Ma Rei 

A Reading ~ Healing is an intense experience. It is focused on the person and the theme of the question. The information that is reveiled is important for that moment.


An Archangel Michael Reading~Healing is about overcoming obstacles and giving an extra powerful protection, so you can continue your way with confidence, persistence and courage.


Archangel Michael is the first Archangel, who serves

The Divine Blue Ray.

This is the ray of Protection, Courage, Power and Freedom. 

“Being one with a self-realized awareness of God in the first ray of Power”.

“Who is like God?”

Archangel Michael protects our world as the spiritual leader among the 7 Archangels with his Divine dynamic and powerful electric blue light and is there to watch over you and your beloved ones. He it is connected with sun, fire and gold.

With the powerful help of Archangel Michael, energetic cords with people or situations that exert a negative influence on you can be purified. His purifying sword is sharp, cuts through it and ensures a breakthrough, victory and success. Archangel Raphael can then additionally be used for a healthy balance and healing.

Archangel Michael as guardian to accompany you in healing the relationship with the desires of your soul, so you can participate fully, serve and cherish your life.
Archangel Michael leads you through inspiration and a clear vision to strengthen courage, persistence, power, protection and confidence.
You can take in here all your feelings of vulnerability, such as worries and anxiety to find a way together. He will give you personal power to take steps to find your soul’s purpose. Archangel Michael is of great importance for the Lightwork.

Mighty Archangel of Victory

“Archangel Michael protect me, Archangel Michael seal me, Archangel Michael stand where I AM.”

“I bring faith to all who are longing to be.
By my blue flame sword of protection set free. Angels of Victory draw nigh, Angels of Faith fill the sky.
Blaze blue flame power from on high.”

“I shall celebrate and I shall rise

I will let Victory make me wise”


6the Newsletter: October 2015

Music: Archangel Michael